Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Donate, Destress and get healthy! / ヨガ、及びニュートリションクラスのご案内


My friend Naoko and her husband Eric are organizing a following fund-raising event. Please contact Naoko or Eric for more details.

Donate, Destress and get healthy!

Dear friends,

We’d like to invite you to a Yoga & a nutrition class. All of your donations will go to the Canadian Red Cross to support the disaster relief in Japan.

Date and time: 30Apr, Saturday 13:30 to 14:30 (Yoga) 14:30 to 15:30 (Nutrition)

Place: Goodlife Fitness Woman’s club, Hopedale mall

Fee: minimum donation is $10 each class

Payment: cash or a check at the door

*This gym is only for women.
* You can join either Yoga class, nutrition class, or you can join both!

*Maximum of 30 people in each class. Seats are limited so please give us a week notice in case of a cancellation if possible.

*Sign up must be in by 25th of Apr by email.

*Once you sign up, we will email you the confirmation message with direction.

*Goodlife has been kindly provided a place to hold this event so there will be no solicitors. And their experienced instructors are volunteering to fundraise for this event.

*Please pass out this invitation to your friends and families who might be interested.

For sign up and for more information, please contact Naoko Motoi;

loganshin at gmail.com

Please give us the following information when you sign up


Number of people :

Donation amount : $

Class : Yoga / Nutrition / Both

Date : 30Apr

Thank you for your support. And we look forward to seeing you at the gym!

Best Regards,

Naoko Motoi & Eric Wong Kai Pun




日時: 4月30日(土)13:30~14:30 (ヨガ) 14:30~15:30 (ニュートリション)
場所: Goodlife Fitness Woman’s club, Hopedale mall
参加費: $10(各クラス)
支払方法: 当日参加前に現金、若しくは小切手(赤十字宛)

* ヨガクラス、若しくはニュートリションクラスのみの参加も可能です。


loganshin at gmail.com


お名前 :
参加者数 :
寄付金 :
クラス : ヨガ / ニュートリション / 両方


本射直子/Eric Wong Kai Pun

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