Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Media coverage on April 9th event / 4月9日のイベント メディアの対応

We had some media coverage on April 9th event so I decided to share here.

e-Nikka (Only in Japanese) e-Nikka(日本語のみ)

Oakville Beaver オークビルビーバー(英語のみ)

Also Owain Yamanaka shared "Event highlights" with us.


Donate, Destress and get healthy! / ヨガ、及びニュートリションクラスのご案内


My friend Naoko and her husband Eric are organizing a following fund-raising event. Please contact Naoko or Eric for more details.

Donate, Destress and get healthy!

Dear friends,

We’d like to invite you to a Yoga & a nutrition class. All of your donations will go to the Canadian Red Cross to support the disaster relief in Japan.

Date and time: 30Apr, Saturday 13:30 to 14:30 (Yoga) 14:30 to 15:30 (Nutrition)

Place: Goodlife Fitness Woman’s club, Hopedale mall

Fee: minimum donation is $10 each class

Payment: cash or a check at the door

*This gym is only for women.
* You can join either Yoga class, nutrition class, or you can join both!

*Maximum of 30 people in each class. Seats are limited so please give us a week notice in case of a cancellation if possible.

*Sign up must be in by 25th of Apr by email.

*Once you sign up, we will email you the confirmation message with direction.

*Goodlife has been kindly provided a place to hold this event so there will be no solicitors. And their experienced instructors are volunteering to fundraise for this event.

*Please pass out this invitation to your friends and families who might be interested.

For sign up and for more information, please contact Naoko Motoi;

loganshin at gmail.com

Please give us the following information when you sign up


Number of people :

Donation amount : $

Class : Yoga / Nutrition / Both

Date : 30Apr

Thank you for your support. And we look forward to seeing you at the gym!

Best Regards,

Naoko Motoi & Eric Wong Kai Pun




日時: 4月30日(土)13:30~14:30 (ヨガ) 14:30~15:30 (ニュートリション)
場所: Goodlife Fitness Woman’s club, Hopedale mall
参加費: $10(各クラス)
支払方法: 当日参加前に現金、若しくは小切手(赤十字宛)

* ヨガクラス、若しくはニュートリションクラスのみの参加も可能です。


loganshin at gmail.com


お名前 :
参加者数 :
寄付金 :
クラス : ヨガ / ニュートリション / 両方


本射直子/Eric Wong Kai Pun

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Owner of Mye Japanese restaurant shared this great fundraiser with us. Please contact Mye Japanese restaurant at (905)849-8989 or Shinkikai(新企会)at (416)276-0896.
(Click the image below to see the poster of the event.)

 For the benefit of Japan Earthquake Relief Fund
You are cordially invited to attend the fund raising event,
“Gambare Nippon”
a night of modern jazz and authentic Japanese cuisine organized by Shinkikai, Association of Japanese Canadian Businesses and Professionals and JRAC, Japanese Restaurant Association of Canada supported by JCCC, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, Neil Swainson Quartet and local community artists

MC: Ms. Mary Ito

Monday, 2nd of May, 2011
Reception at 5:30pm
Cocktail at 6:00pm
Dinner at 7:00pm
Show at 8:30pm
Kobayashi Hall & Shokokai Court at Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
6 Garamond Court, Toronto

Donation and dinner cost: $200 per person
Tax receipts available upon request

There will be authentic Japanese dinner prepared by the master Japanese chefs followed by the music provided by the Neil Swainson Quartet.

Please purchase your ticket in advance at participating Japanese restaurants
in GTA or call Shinkikai office at (416)276-0896.

Pease make a check payable to “SHINKI‐KAI FOUNDATION‐2011 JAPAN RELIEF FUND"
All proceeds will be donated to the JCCC Foundation for
the benefit of Japan Earthquake Relief Fund.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In case you missed it... / 4月9日のイベントを逃した方へ

In case you missed our event on April 9th at Halton Multicultural Council in Oakville. Here are some pictures and video clips to show you what happened at the event.

4月9日オークビルのHalton Multicultural Councilで行われたファンドレイジングを逃してしまった方のためにイベントの写真とビデオクリップを用意しました。

Sushi chef and his assistant and wife prepare vegetables for the roll.

Reception was set to welcome guests.

A place where guests could write messages to Japan.

Volunteer staff were busy organizing baked goods.

10:15am Opening ceremony started.

Watch the opening ceremony below.(Courtesy of Owain Yamanaka)

Japanese Taiko Drum group "Do Kon Daiko" performed.
Members from left Adrienne Langgartner, Bruce McGee, Toki Narula, and Cathy Bagby.
Please see here for the information about "Do Kon Daiko".
メンバー左からAdrienne Langgartnerさん Bruce McGeeさんToki NarulaさんCathy Bagbyさん。

Bake sale is now open for business. Many people are shopping already.

There was a constant line of people in front of Sushi demonstration.

Twin sisters Fumi-san and Miki-san were always surrounded by a lot of people. (Origami demonstration)

Tea ceremony. They served beautiful tea from Japan.

Many people enjoyed smooth and delicate fresh green tea.

At Japanese calligraphy demonstration, Ms. Yoko Kobayashi wrote various words and sentences in Japanese.

"Towards tomorrow"

A lot of restaurants and groups of people donated items for silent auction that was a big success.
Please see here for more information about our contributors.

Mike-san and Megumi-san joined us from Toronto.

Necklace made with 5 yen coin.

Earrings made with origami cranes.

Pin badge bearing messages for Japan.

Doggy treat. Miki-san said she wanted to do something for dogs that were affected.

There were some unique ideas.

The Jazz quartet played 3 times for us. According to Hori-san, guitar, this group was made up for this event in a short notice. But everyone said the quartet was well put together.
Please see here for the info about Hori-san and other performers.

Guitar: Koji Hori

Singer: Denielle Bassels

Alto Saxophone: Suyun Kim

Bass: Yongwon Cho

There was a message to Japan area near the entrance and many people wrote messages to Japan.

Thanks to Saeko-san and her husband's generosity, guests who donated more than 20 dollars got a T-shirt. They were gone in no time. 

As you can see, this event was successful thanks to everybody's support. We had more than 300 people attending the event. Thank you very much every body. If you have missed this one we hope to see you at another event.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Debrief report of April 9th / 4月9日イベントの結果報告

It was really nice to see you all at the event on April 9th, at Halton Multicultural Council. Even the weather was on our side it was a beautiful Spring day. The number of the visitors were more than we hoped for - We had more than 300 people joined our event and I heard some had tough time finding a parking spot. I am sorry for any inconvenience but I am so happy with the outcome.

Furthermore, we have a really great news. Thanks to your support and contribution, we successfully raised a total of 12,664.24 dollars!! ($10,139.24 in Cash + $2,525 in Cheque)

Today co-organizer of the fundraiser Ms. Shinobu Yajima visited Red Cross to hand in the donation. 
I am still working on the photos and video that we took of the event but I really wanted to let you know that we did it! Thank you again for your time and contribution. Together we made difference and I hope we gave the victims a little bit of HOPE.

4月9日Halton Multicultural Councilで行われたチャリティーイベントで皆さんにお会いできてとても嬉しかったです。心配されたお天気にも恵まれ、素晴らしい春の日になりましたね。来場者数は私たちが当初期待していたものをはるかに超えるもので300人以上の方が来場され、中には駐車スペースを探すのに苦労された方もいたとか。ご不便をおかけいたしまして申し訳ありませんでした。





The result

Actual bank transfer that has handed in today.

Ms. Shinobu Yajima, co-organizer at Red Cross.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Event details

Our team has been working hard for the past 3 weeks or so and finally we have detailed information of upcoming April 9th's Fundraiser for Japan.

We would like to also extend our appreciation to contributors for making this event all possible.

You can view and/or download the detailed information of the event in PDF or JPG file.
http://tinyurl.com/49details (Event details in PDF file)
http://tinyurl.com/49details-jpg (Event details in JPG file)

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the event!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

People are pitching in

Since we decided have a fundraiser for Japan here in Oakville, Ontario, people are pitching in. Some are offering baked goods, some are offering merchandise and other are offering to help us with the event. We are just so grateful.

Thanks to everyone's help the event is started to look like it's going to be a grate fundraiser.
Below is the URL to this event if you live close by to Oakville, Ontario and would like to join in on the action.

Fundraiser Flyer (2011.04.09) - English

Fundraiser Flyer (2011.04.09) - Japanese